Researching Massage Chairs and Amazon

Researching Massage Chairs and Amazon

Massage Chair Wellness is proud to be an authorized dealer whose primary goal is to offer the best products, manufactured and supported by the best factories. Call for expert advice!

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Where Can I Find a Massage Chair Store?

Where Can I Find a Massage Chair Store?

Massage Chair Wellness offers 4 ways to try a massage chair before buying a massage chair.

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Where Can I Try a Massage Chair?

Where Can I Try a Massage Chair?

Looking to experience massage chairs near you? Costco features the top massage chairs at the special events. We can help you find them. Call 888-978-5285

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2D, 3D and 4D Explained

2D, 3D and 4D Explained

Whether you are are considering Osaki, Human Touch, Luraco, Synca or any of the top massage chair brands, the first questions that usually arise are "What is the difference between 2D, 3D and 4D?", and "which one is right for me?". 

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6 Things to Know Before Buying Your Massage Chair

6 Things to Know Before Buying Your Massage Chair

When you are spending thousands of dollars on a sight-unseen purchase, buying a massage chair requires a lot of trust - and can sometimes feel like a leap of faith!  But, it doesn't have to be that way.

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Massage Chair Showroom New England | Hours of Operation

Massage Chair Showroom New England | Hours of Operation

From Jun 18 - July 31, 2018, we are by appointment only.

What does that mean for you? We are available 24/7 - and often take same day appointments.  

So, it means that you will receive complete and undivided, one on one attention. Our goal is education first, then to offer top brands at the lowest prices and great customer service.

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Massage Chair Stores in Maine | Top Brands

Massage Chair Stores in Maine | Top Brands

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Tale of Two Massage Chairs

Tale of Two Massage Chairs

John sounded fairly frazzled by the time we spoke on the phone.  He had been trying, without much luck, to source a part for a massage chair recently  purchased on Amazon. 

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We Are Customer Advocates - Let Us Work For You!

We Are Customer Advocates - Let Us Work For You!

Buyers Remorse.  Whether it be from an impulse purchase at the register or something we've been eyeing for a while that we finally pulled the trigger on and regretted the minute we got home, it's happened to us all. 

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Your Shop Informed Report

Your Shop Informed Report

Get Your Shop Informed Report before you hit click and buy from a seller that is not authorized AND before being misled by fake reviews and irresponsible affiliate sites. 

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Holiday Stress:  How to Beat It With Massage

Holiday Stress: How to Beat It With Massage

According to findings by the Mayo Clinic, spending just 15 minutes alone per day, without distractions, may refresh you enough to handle everything you need to do during the busy holiday season. 

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I Want A Massage Chair - What Should I Do First?

I Want A Massage Chair - What Should I Do First?

You've Google'd "massage chairs" and got hundreds of pages to search.  What do you do now?  How do you know you're clicking into a site of a legitimate dealer or just an affiliate?  How do you know you're not going to get scammed?  

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