
Authorized Dealer

Authorized Dealer

Massage Chairs Gives Back is proud to be an authorized dealer for massage chair industry leaders in innovation and design.  Top brands include Infinity, Osaki, Titan, Apex, Ogawa and Luraco. We only represent brands that have a long time industry record, that are responsive, and that have the best warranties along with the highest quality technical support.

Infinity-Authorized-Dealer     OsakiLogo     Human-Touch-LogoLuracoTitan-logoApex Logo


If you have any problems with your massage recliner when it arrives at your doorstep, or anytime thereafter, call the customer service number of the manufacturer that your chair came from:

  • Osaki/Titan/Apex: 1-888-848-2630

  • Infinite Therapeutics: 1-603-347-6006

  • Human Touch: 1-800-742-5493

  • Luraco: 1-800-483-9930

We are so impressed with the feedback that we receive about the services provided by each of these companies.  They are responsive, knowledgeable, and customer care is of the utmost importance.  However, we are here for you, and will get involved in any issue or problem, just call us directly at 1-888-978-5285.  


Call for assistance 1-888-978-5285